Mario Rosario Jackson
February 2, 2024
Crafting A Thriving Nonprofit Arts Sector

150 nonprofits arts professionals and nonprofits arts funders came together at UCLA’s Luskin Conference Center on April 2, 2024, for a keynote presentation featuring Dr. Maria Rosario Jackson, Chair of the National Endowment of the Arts, in conversation with Richard Tate, President and CEO of the California Wellness Foundation.  Chair Jackson talked about how the arts connect to health, education, the environment, and community, and should not be viewed in isolation.  In response to insightful questions from Tate, Chair Jackson shared how her appreciation for the arts started with her parents.  Leading up to the keynote presentation, LMPN Rose Chan Loui presented a workshop on the nonprofit law related to advocacy, and Los Angeles County Department of Arts and Culture Director Kristin Sakoda described the nonprofit arts landscape in LA County. Arts community members were joyful about being together in person and encouraged LMPN to make the arts convening an annual event. 

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